Logos and the Culture Wars

E. Michael Jones has proved to be one of the most brilliant Catholic authors writing today. In this epochal volume ‘Logos Rising : A History of Ultimate Reality’, Jones explores the fascinating history of that metaphysical concept of Logos which alone explains the intelligibility of the universe and man’s rational nature. It is the astonishing achievement of Christianity via the Apostle John to identify Logos/Word with the divine Person of Jesus Christ, declared equal to God, co-eternal with God, and God Himself. In truth, the Logos ‘was made flesh’. He lived amongst us. The volume is replete with acute insights into the leading thinkers of the ancient, medieval, modern and ‘post-modern’ worlds who have either contributed to the conceptual refinement of Logos or became prophets of Anti-Logos, thereby resulting in  today’s world-wide  anarchic and nihilistic ethos. Particularly interesting are Jones’ trenchant comments on the American Catholic and cultural scene where the apostles of Anti-Logos have been intent on destroying the Catholic Church.

James Likoudis